Nepal Standard Time: 
9:59 pm | 14th November, 2024

Dr Andreas Schild Mountain Prize 2024

Asterisk (*) indicates required field.

Mountain Prize form 2024

Nominations for The Mountain Prize 2024 can be submitted till 25th November 2024 [11:59pm NPT]

Please refer to this page for further information.


What is the name of the initiative/activity/solution you are nominating? For example: Ladakh, India/Implementing a community-centred impact-based tourism development model.
Please provide the name of the individual/group/organisation you are nominating. If you are nominating a person or a small group, please include their full name(s). If you are nominating an organisation, please use the full name of the organisation.
Please provide a clear, concise description of what the nomination is. For example, ‘a project to promote sustainable tourism in remote Himalayan communities’

This person will accept The Mountain Prize. If the nominee is an individual, they are the lead nominee. If the nominee is a group or organisation, please note who will be accepting the prize on the group/organisation’s behalf.

This person will liaise with The Mountain Prize should there be follow-up questions about the nomination. The key contact can also be the same lead nominee as above or someone else.

Please identify whether the nominee is an individual or group, and the type of group/organisation


These questions are based on what the initiative/activity/solution/communicator does and how it makes an impact.

Identify the primary area to which the initiative/activity/solution/communicator directly relates. Please note that the nomination may be moved into a different category at the discretion of The Mountain Prize.
Please scroll down to the bottom of the list, selecting up to 3 SDGs on which the initiative/activity/solution has most impact.
Who or what is impacted by the problem? Why does the problem exist in the current environment?
How does it work? How does it meaningfully contribute to solving the problem?


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